
Mindful Tips For Better Sleep During Stressful Times

Sleep is critical to our overall well-being. It’s necessary for optimal physical and mental health and good quality of life. But, as a society, we’re experiencing a “public health problem” due to insufficient sleep. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of American adults is not getting enough sleep […]

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7 Ways To Practice Mindfulness Without Meditation

For many people, the thought of meditation is off-putting. And sometimes it’s just not available to us in the moment. Fortunately for us, mindfulness and meditation aren’t synonymous. Accessing mindfulness without meditation is always an option. Everyone requires something different in any given moment to help find peace, ease, joy, and fulfillment. Thankfully, meditation isn’t

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Mindful Journal Prompts to Help You Reconnect With Yourself

You probably write a lot: Texts. Emails. Shopping and to-do lists. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts. Meanwhile, your inner self is in the background, just waiting to be noticed. We’re often checking in with others, but rarely checking with ourselves. Most of the time our words are all about others, the future, planning, and organizing.

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How Your Mindfulness Practice Can Support the World Right Now

Original Article Published June 2, 2020, on Mindful.org by Stephanie Domet and Heather Hurlock This is a great article that breaks down how a mindfulness practice matters in a time of civil unrest. You can find the entire original post here. I’ve also included links to some awesome free mindfulness resources that will inspire your

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Six Fun Mindfulness Activities For Kids

Right now is a perfect time to practice mindfulness with your children and on your own. When we make mindfulness fun, kids don’t even realize they’re honing skills that will help them with their attention, emotion regulation and overall feelings of happiness and wellbeing. And, who doesn’t want more joy, focus, self-awareness and calm for

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Three Simple Ways Mindfulness Can Help Us to Support Each Other During the COVID-19 Outbreak

We’re all feeling anxious right now as the Coronavirus health crisis continues to shake up our daily lives. This is a normal response to these crazy times. But for those who maintain a mindfulness practice, there’s an understanding that times like these provide an opportunity for our innate goodness, kindness, and compassion to shine and

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